A story about a Canadian girl and her battle against student loan debt.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

January Spending in the UK

I'm trying to graphically show how my spending patterns are in the UK. Granted, it's the beginning of term and I'm in a new country, so some of the amounts are higher than normal. I.e., I bought a new phone to work in this country so I don't expect to spend that much on phone fees in months to come. And I bought a whack of food and split a taxi with my flatmates so I wouldn't have to go shopping for food for awhile.

I am trying to come up with a budget and appropriate categories for my spending in the UK. They're going to be different categories than I'd have back home since I plan to travel, and won't have regular transportation patterns since I plan to walk as much as I can.

The categories include:
- Phone (basically my mobile phone costs on a pay as you go plan)
- Transportation
- Travelling (not sure how to separate this from transportation)
- Shoes and clothing
- Entertainment
- Gifts (people back home will kill me if I bring nothing back for them)
- Household
- Food
- Miscellaneous
- Eating Out
- Alcohol
- School (i.e., photocopying and printing costs)


Anonymous said...

Man, that's a lot of tracking you got going on there, good job! hopefully you'll figure it all out :)

btw, i absolutely LOVE the title of your blog! every time someone in my office walks in and start out w/ a "Dude?" i happily answer w/ the "where's my car". and sadly the joke gets wasted at times. old farts.

Leanna said...

Hey, how's living in the UK working out for you? I miss reading your posts...

I hope you enjoy my blog. No refunds. :)